Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blogging for 2011

I am not sure what this is going to look like but I will be blogging at least once a week if not more. My committment is weekly so they may be short or long or something shared or whatever...:)
I feel God is challenging me in this way because, 1- many ask me what am I doing out here or what does that look like? 2- I want to share my heart and my thoughts and those things that just come to my mind. We wont talk about how much I talk to myself :). Some will is seeing things from a different view than where I have seen before.
My grammer or spelling may not be up to par but its from my heart. So I know I can do this. I hope you follow me in sharing where I am and whats happening in my life. Also hopefully the creative side of me will be seen some.

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