Friday, December 31, 2010

You're So Special....Thank you

Thank you to all those who have supported me through prayer, financially, and shared your lives with me. 
Attending 2nd yr at Bethel has been different than 1st year in many ways but it has been good. 
I have felt I havent shared as much this year of what I am doing so for 2011 I plan on blogging once a week to share how your help is helping others and what I am doing. 
2010 I have worked in many rural hospitals and have seen some miraculous healings and some have just experienced compassion at the end of their lives, and then there are some who have been a challenge. :)  Through Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry I have worked with the elderly in a retirement home weekly. Listening to their stories, singing along, reading books and mostly just being there. Participated in ministry trips locally sharing God's word and praying for the sick, treasure hunts, prophetic art and worship. We had a Holiday Feast for those less fortunate. All the tables decorated, clothes given away, pictures with Santa, and gifts/toys given out. The smiles told the whole story. 

Personally this has been a hard year for me with being so far away when family events have happened. It is teaching me to know God is bigger than I am and He is able to handle those things I have to put in His hands. I know I am where I'm supposed to be in this season and there is a lot to learn about trusting the Lord with those you love.  God teaches me a lot about obedience vs sacrifice. My heart wants to be where God wants me; doesnt always make it easy though. 

I know my life will never be the same again. God has told me I would see different continents and be in different countries. I will be ministering in different places and at times I will be in the "danger zone". Working in Haiti last year was a challenge but one I loved. Many after shocks, some buildings that had fallen, fall more. Seeing death in a whole new light, and seeing what God can do in the midst of that situation. My heart wants to work in disaster areas. I want to bring nursing to those who are in poor areas and cant get the help they need. I also have a heart for those with  mental illness. How this is going to be combined I do not know. I also have dreams of ministering healing to those all around the world. 

I just wanted to take a moment and share briefly where things stand. I thank you all for your prayers and support. Through you I have been able to make a difference in the lives of others and myself. God says where I go, you go also. Thats is a promise, so if you ever feel you want to be a part of this and you cant physically go, you can go in spirit. 

Blessings for 2011!!!

In Him, Tricia

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