Monday, January 10, 2011

Back in school (BSSM)

January 10, 2011

This past week in school all was so glad to get back to school and see one another. Many testimonies and stories shared with one another.
We had an amazing time in worship last Thursday. The entire atmosphere was full of His glory.
Friday we had a pastor from Australia, Russell Evans. He was very good at keeping us on the edge of our seats; we laughed so hard at his stories. During this time I kept feeling like my hands and my lips were on fire. I put lotion on thinking that would help and then he called up those who had “fire on their lips” to come up, he then imparted “10x the anointing” he had from his life to all those who had fire on their lips. The Holy Spirit was all over me. All I could do was lay there and take in the presence I felt.
For the past couple of weeks on and off I have had fire in my hands. It’s hard to explain but I know its God. It typically leads to an anointing for healing.
I wish I could say I jumped up and prayed for someone but no I sat there thinking about it. I’m learning…lol
Tuesday school back in session and our afternoons will be filled with all the excitement of those ready to do their 2nd year preaching project. I would like to sit here and tell you how excited I am but that would just be plain lying to you. Lol..Will write more about my experience later this week. Here’s to hoping you had a great weekend and those of you playing in the snow, I’m jealous…not that I want to play in the snow but I sure do miss my fireplace, coffee and a good movie when the weather is bad. Okay maybe a small snowman too…

Bless you…. later

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