Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's not what it always appears to be...

Recently I had a conversation with a family member about how it looks like I don’t know what I am doing and how I have gone from one idea or thought to another. At first I felt a bit hurt but then I realized a word the Lord gave me @3yrs ago and this is what I heard;
"I will transition you from place to place and it will look to others that you don’t know what you want or what you are doing, but know that I am ordering your footsteps and you are walking in obedience to Me".

In 2003 I began a non-profit organization called Grace and Body Connection. A few years later it diminished to where I was only counseling a hand full of people out of my home. When I left to come out to California, to come to Bethel, I pretty much just let it sit until I could decide what to do with it.
The end of 2010 the IRS basically was saying that it needed to be closed out since there has been no activity. I was about to file the paperwork and I got a call from a friend, she had just returned from Haiti and has also been in Africa this year doing missions most of the year. The Lord put a ministry on her heart and she called to tell me about it and asking me to pray about being a board member. It immediately came to mind about GBC and after talking a bit we came to the conclusion she should take over GBC and rename it "His Hands Ministry".  Within 48 hours, she had the amendment typed up, funding was offered and I agreed to be a board member in addition to part of "His Hands" ministry would be a disaster response ministry that would help support efforts like going to Haiti and places around the world to disaster/medical response (medical missions). 

This is only a part of what has happened in my life. To some it may look like I began a non-profit and then just dropped the ball with it. I see it as laying the groundwork for something even better. And what did God tell me when I asked Him why did I go through founding and being an owner of a non-profit? He said, "because you needed to know these things for what I have called you to do". 

One more example. Years ago I went to Haiti. I only went out of obedience. I didn’t particularly care about going but that was out of fear. I had never been out of the US and barely out of NC. Returning, I left Haiti very sick, almost didn’t get on the plane to return home. When I saw the US Flags waving back and forth instantly all the pain and sickness left me. I told myself I never would return to Haiti again. (ha-ha), but because I went a seed was planted. Last year, 2010,  I was asked to go to Haiti with Bethel and TDA, for Disaster Response. The key to going on the team was that I had been before and I was a nurse. I was the last person added to the disaster team. I knew it was God and I knew the key came from years ago. 

I know I have dreams, I know I have responsibilities, I know I put my trust in Him that He will lead me and as Kris Vallotton put its "when I am through living, I'm outta here".

Bless you. Tricia 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stretching Me

Today I managed to get through my preaching project. According to my evals from my peers and revival group pastor I did pretty well. I practiced and practiced, none which went as well as I wanted it too. I thought of all the times I have taught groups on the mental health unit, groups and day program for Grace and Body Connection., then speaking at different venues but this was different. The evaluation page was detailed, the guidelines of what had to be included to get high marks touched on some insecurtities I had.

I taught on declaring the promises of God. Something in which God has been speaking to me about lately. I up and down that mountain, when honestly it should be rather consistent. So recently, before my feet hit the ground, I set the tone for the day by declaring hope, promises, and dreams for me, my kids, and friends. Obviously I would never get out of bed if it was extensive but I just touch on the obvious.

This year I am learning a lot about not being moved by how I feel, to be streched during hard times and to seek joy through it all. I am only human; I dont always get it right but I strive to be the best I can be and that is all God ask of us.

Jeremiah 29:11
Bless you, Tricia

Monday, January 10, 2011

Back in school (BSSM)

January 10, 2011

This past week in school all was so glad to get back to school and see one another. Many testimonies and stories shared with one another.
We had an amazing time in worship last Thursday. The entire atmosphere was full of His glory.
Friday we had a pastor from Australia, Russell Evans. He was very good at keeping us on the edge of our seats; we laughed so hard at his stories. During this time I kept feeling like my hands and my lips were on fire. I put lotion on thinking that would help and then he called up those who had “fire on their lips” to come up, he then imparted “10x the anointing” he had from his life to all those who had fire on their lips. The Holy Spirit was all over me. All I could do was lay there and take in the presence I felt.
For the past couple of weeks on and off I have had fire in my hands. It’s hard to explain but I know its God. It typically leads to an anointing for healing.
I wish I could say I jumped up and prayed for someone but no I sat there thinking about it. I’m learning…lol
Tuesday school back in session and our afternoons will be filled with all the excitement of those ready to do their 2nd year preaching project. I would like to sit here and tell you how excited I am but that would just be plain lying to you. Lol..Will write more about my experience later this week. Here’s to hoping you had a great weekend and those of you playing in the snow, I’m jealous…not that I want to play in the snow but I sure do miss my fireplace, coffee and a good movie when the weather is bad. Okay maybe a small snowman too…

Bless you…. later

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blogging for 2011

I am not sure what this is going to look like but I will be blogging at least once a week if not more. My committment is weekly so they may be short or long or something shared or whatever...:)
I feel God is challenging me in this way because, 1- many ask me what am I doing out here or what does that look like? 2- I want to share my heart and my thoughts and those things that just come to my mind. We wont talk about how much I talk to myself :). Some will is seeing things from a different view than where I have seen before.
My grammer or spelling may not be up to par but its from my heart. So I know I can do this. I hope you follow me in sharing where I am and whats happening in my life. Also hopefully the creative side of me will be seen some.