Friday, December 31, 2010

You're So Special....Thank you

Thank you to all those who have supported me through prayer, financially, and shared your lives with me. 
Attending 2nd yr at Bethel has been different than 1st year in many ways but it has been good. 
I have felt I havent shared as much this year of what I am doing so for 2011 I plan on blogging once a week to share how your help is helping others and what I am doing. 
2010 I have worked in many rural hospitals and have seen some miraculous healings and some have just experienced compassion at the end of their lives, and then there are some who have been a challenge. :)  Through Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry I have worked with the elderly in a retirement home weekly. Listening to their stories, singing along, reading books and mostly just being there. Participated in ministry trips locally sharing God's word and praying for the sick, treasure hunts, prophetic art and worship. We had a Holiday Feast for those less fortunate. All the tables decorated, clothes given away, pictures with Santa, and gifts/toys given out. The smiles told the whole story. 

Personally this has been a hard year for me with being so far away when family events have happened. It is teaching me to know God is bigger than I am and He is able to handle those things I have to put in His hands. I know I am where I'm supposed to be in this season and there is a lot to learn about trusting the Lord with those you love.  God teaches me a lot about obedience vs sacrifice. My heart wants to be where God wants me; doesnt always make it easy though. 

I know my life will never be the same again. God has told me I would see different continents and be in different countries. I will be ministering in different places and at times I will be in the "danger zone". Working in Haiti last year was a challenge but one I loved. Many after shocks, some buildings that had fallen, fall more. Seeing death in a whole new light, and seeing what God can do in the midst of that situation. My heart wants to work in disaster areas. I want to bring nursing to those who are in poor areas and cant get the help they need. I also have a heart for those with  mental illness. How this is going to be combined I do not know. I also have dreams of ministering healing to those all around the world. 

I just wanted to take a moment and share briefly where things stand. I thank you all for your prayers and support. Through you I have been able to make a difference in the lives of others and myself. God says where I go, you go also. Thats is a promise, so if you ever feel you want to be a part of this and you cant physically go, you can go in spirit. 

Blessings for 2011!!!

In Him, Tricia

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Inspiration or Insanity of another 2011 commitment

Well I have been inspired, once again, to try to blog on a regular basis. While I was thinking about this I just happen to watch the movie Julie and Julia, or vice versa, anyway in a moment of insanity I thought that would be so cool. Then I thought how much I have wanted to document my journey more and I thought why not? Really, can it be that hard? Okay maybe I am beginning to sound like the movie but I do have to say it inspired me to write more. And thanks to "Catrific" on you tube and a former Bethel-ite I would have to say that I have also thought, I can do a video, I have done one, last year, well maybe you don't remember but I think I can do a video at least once a month and blog at least once a week, right?

Well I say lets give it a shot. My ideas and thoughts will come from school, how I am changing personally and whatever else comes to mind. It will be interesting to see what comes out of this little head of mine. So there it is, my 2011 challenge. Blog minimum of once a week and a video, 10 mins or less (because I know what you are thinking), once a month.

WoW! I cant wait to see how long this takes me to stop. lol just kidding, I will commit to this, so if I get slack you are more than welcomed to nicely set me straight. :D


Thank you 2010

Thank you. 2010 is coming to an end and I want to thank those who have given into my life since being here in school, whether if be financially, through prayer, through love or resources. I truly appreciate each and every one of you. This past year God has done amazing things in my life and with your help I have been able to attend school of ministry, go to Haiti twice to do medical/earthquake relief, I went to Tijuana Mexico and ministered to many who were lost, and have been with Bethel on ministry teams giving prophetic words and art, seeing those healed who were sick, preached and even coca-doodled-do. This doesn’t even cover the things that God is teaching me, speaking to me each day. Outside of the moments I had my children I would have to say I am happiest. I feel so loved by many and my heart just leaps when I hear "Go" and I see the works of God. 

I am alive with Christ! Eph 2:6

At the cost of this, I do miss my family, my kids although they are adults now. I miss the newest addition to my family, Helena. Some days are sentimental, some days I worry about my kids for different reasons, but I know I am where God has called me to be. I don’t know how long I will be in California, but I do know I will never be the same again, nor will my life ever be the same again. 

I have shared some pictures this year of different events and places and I hope to share more of the journey of where God is taking me personally. I am learning to be vulnerable and that says a lot. If there is anything I have learned or I take with me that may help someone else, then it’s worth it. 

"Anyone who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward. And anyone who receive's a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous' mans reward." Matthew 10:41

I pray that each and every one of you will receive a "reward" because of what you have invested in me. I so appreciate all you have done. Also to remind you that what you do does not go by the wayside or forgotten. The word promises you a reward and I pray for you to be blessed in abundance. Again thank you so very much. You are always in my thoughts and my prayers. 

In Him, Tricia

Friday, November 12, 2010

God is always and Only Good-Core Values

“God is always and only good”
I read this and I immediately questioned whether I believed this or not.
There are instances in my life that I have wondered why, what were the reasons behind the things that have happened? But let me share one particular person with you and maybe it will shed some light.

In 1980, Michael was born. At that time I heard God clearly speak to me that I would live to see him totally healed and that every cell in his body would be changed. He would preach the word of God, and a few years ago God told me Michael would read and write one day. I am still holding onto this promise and I declare it will happen.

Michael has gone through a lot and yet he loves God with all his heart. He worships Him, and you can see the Holy Spirit all over him. Michael doesn’t talk much and at times he is in his own world. He doesnt have the friend relationships like many of us have, he chooses to trust those who care for him. He takes people at face value, no judging, no prejudices, just pure love for everyone until you hurt him, then he is still easily forgives. When you see Michael, you see a big smile, especially "family". Michael is as pure as it comes and he is filled with the love of God. He gets so excited for church or when you put on worship music the arms start flapping, the body starts moving and he is just grinning from ear to ear.

I use Michael as one example because some look at him and feel sorry for him, others look at him and wish they could have the joy he carries. When I look at Michael I see such a relationship with the Father and I see angels around him, so I cant help but want to tap into what he has. What does Michael have that keeps him in the presence of God? He doesn’t reason things out, he takes them at face value. He knows the presence of God.

I agree, God is always and only good.  Whatever the circumstances this is a true statement. I will never understand why certain things happen but I choose to not take offense against God. Maybe I will be in that line to ask why when I see Him face to face, but somehow I don’t think it will matter by then.

(In school we are studying about Core Values. What are your core values? How do they affect you role in life, the life of others? Are you aware of them? Do you walk out purposefully in a value you hold dear to yourself?.)

they are known by their love and faith....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hearing God

Hearing God

Recently I had a conversation with someone I care very much for. This conversation consists of hearing God, or maybe I should say, NOT hearing God.
The statement was “I don’t hear God and I never have”. When I heard this, my heart was grieved because I know this person hears God, but the enemy has them deceived into thinking they don’t and never have.

God speaks to us through our conscious, our heart felt moments, our compassion, our convictions, and many more ways such as His word.
I have a friend who God speaks to through movies, another friend hears God through songs.
God speaks to you on your level and through those things you enjoy. He speaks to you through your way of understanding. That is why many times He sounds like our voice. He can also speak to us through our dreams. The dreams we dream at night and the dreams of our heart.

A couple of days ago I just started singing this song “Ooh Child things are gonna get easier, ooh child things are going to be brighter….some day…lalalala. You get the point. The next thing I knew another roommate came out of her room singing the same song. Throughout the day I would pop out singing the same tune. I knew God was telling me “things are gonna get easier, things are gonna get brighter”. I was having a rough day and that consoled me.

Listen, God speaks! Whether it’s the still small voice, the loud banging symbols, the stirring dreams or a friend speaking. He talks to us all.
Today look for Him, listen for Him. I guarantee He is speaking to you.

As you get closer to Him, things will be clearer and you will see just how much He is talking to you. Don’t let the enemy deceive you into thinking you can’t hear Him. You can….