Thursday, November 1, 2012

Two Alcholics and Jesus

On Venice Beach talking with individuals, hippies, homeless, and skaters. People from all walks of life. It always makes my heart happy to sit down and listen to peoples stories. This particular woman, Ethelia,  was watching our group and she called me over after hearing of another man come over and give his life to the Lord but mostly he was ready to give up alcohol. This man touched some of the most sensitive areas of our hearts. He just walks up to us after telling him how much God loved him. He announces he is done with alcohol and wants to get help. His brother was called in Orange County and agrees to come to get him to take him to rehabilitation center.

Ethelia, she said she was also an alcoholic. I can agree to that statement and I prayed with her and she accepted Christ as her Lord. She began to cry and then asked if I would brush her hair because she wanted to look pretty. This woman was wearing a very old and thin wig but to her it was important that she looked pretty so we brushed and brushed and with each stroke I made declarations over her. She then hopped up and went across the street. I was taken back by the what happened next. She bought us 3 very large pizzas. An act of kindness for being so sweet to her. I encouraged her to get the help she needed but her being honest with me, she wants to stop but according to her its too painful to. 
I shared with her about overcoming pain and about the payoff I was getting by holding onto it. I knew she was listening. 

I cant help wonder how many people are where they are because no one believed in them. How many just need to be shown unconditional love? Me? I could have sat with her for as long as she wanted me to. I was happy she invited Jesus into her heart, she wanted to stop drinking also. I left her with information in the area she could get some help.  Tonight I wonder where she is, lying on the beach or curled up in the corner of an building. Either way, tonight she has God in her heart. 

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