Saturday, December 17, 2011

Oh He has a sense of humor!

God has a sense of humor!

My knee has been prayed for numerous times and thinking God has recently healed it , it had begun to hurt more. (actually behind my knee). So the last the last few days, more pain. I kept hearing Lord telling me I needed to rest it. Now for those of us who dont have health insurance but do hear God, all is not lost.

A new nurse I recently began to work with noticed I was having some issues with it. Now keep in mind God is still telling me I need to rest my knee and of course I am telling Him I need to work? Otherwise, I haven't said anything to her. After leaving work she later called and said she had a "gift" for me. She returned with crutches, stating God told her to buy them for me because I "needed to rest my knee". What?  She later jokingly said her mother always told her she was prophetic. lol

Interesting enough, a few weeks ago she asked if I would take her to Bethel for church with me sometime.  God does have a sense of humor. Oh and yes I definitely think I will heed His advice.

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