Saturday, November 19, 2011

LA Ministry Trip - Skid Row

A little cloudy outside, a few stops and turns and we arrived at what is known as "Skid Row". 
As soon as you get out of your car the smell of urine is strong and the homeless line the streets as if they are waiting for something to happen. Some sleeping, some passed out from alcohol, some searching for recycle items to either sleep on or get what little change they can.  

As we pass out sandwiches you can't help but wonder why or how can people live this way. This hard life is so apparent on the faces of those you meet. Last year when I visited Skid Row with another of Sara's team I remembered her telling me to not partner with hopelessness while I am there. This was important to hear especially if you are a person of mercy. 

We walk the streets showing love to those who will trust you to get close enough. They are use to people coming down and helping but even then some refuse to let you get close. As I turn one corner I see grocery baskets, full of miscellaneous items, lined on the street like parked cars. Wondering what’s going on I get a little closer and I notice a ministry is allowing people to come into a building to feed them, some can take a shower or sit and listen to worship music playing on a make shift stage.

Moving on we stop to talk to many about how much God loves them and I got the notion (an official southern term) to begin to ask people how can they be helped to get out of their circumstances? Some of the answers were to never have started drugs or alcohol in the first place. It was obvious there were some who chose to live this lifestyle but just as many if not more, didn't choose it. A loss of their jobs, addictions, "life" issues and mental illness were some of the reasons. 

We had time to pray for a man that was blind and when you first approach him you may feel sorry for him but don't. We prayed for healing but we didn't see the miracle we wanted, but he did share how he sees things and how God allows him to see in different ways, how his cane helps him rely of God to lead his path. What a blessing! There were many that received prayer that day and many memories made.

Through all the praying, laughing, and some tears I hope we made an impact into someone's life. Either way, can you ever get too much compassion?

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