Thursday, February 7, 2013

MIssions to Asia

WE MADE IT!! just a small glitch but all was taken care of!!!!

 I can't say how much I have been blessed by all of you. I have felt so much love poured out and I know I keep saying THANK YOU but I seriously don't think I can say it enough.

It's crazy that I have already been persecuted about going on this trip. Telling me that it is no place for a woman. Grant it I don't think I am the type they are looking for but if everyone believed the line "let someone else do it" then nothing would ever be accomplished. There are so many who live without hope, live without ever feeling loved, or just needs that bit of encouragement to push a little harder. I am not one to ever sit back and let someone else "do it". I told my daughter today that I want to leave a LEAGACY  for my kids and my grandkids, that even one person CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. To follow the HEART OF GOD!

My final stretch is here, March 01, 2013, in the amount of $1792. They divide our payments up for #1 Deposit, #2 Plane ticket, and #3 is the final cost. I was able to also contribute to this trip so we can do this together.
Our plane leaves on April 1st for 3 Countries in Asia where we will be going over to love on those who have been through Human Trafficking/Slavery, orphanages and taking filters for water purification to areas that do not have help. For those who have contributed to this trip I would love it if you would private msg me your address's.

Bless you ALL!
Tricia Dowless

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Freedom 2013

I cannot not wait till I get to share with you about the is trip. I have definitely come alive. Three years ago I got whacked by the HS the moment I walked into the Civic Center at Randi Clark (RC). The next thing I knew I was on a plane to work in Haiti after the EQ.
Last week I really tried to feel something at RC but nothing was happening for me. Then I come to the LA trip and I get so snockered by the HS, I laughed and laughed for hours. Really hours. I couldnt use the bathroom with out help, I couldnt get to my car or even put my coat on without help. As I was riding back to Oasis I was just in a stupor and then we entered the bldg it all began again, the uncontrollable, embarassing laugher, me, really? Yep and quiet  some precarious positions too. It was probably the first time I was totally free and didnt care about anything but what God was doing. I was getting FREE!!! in so many way. I felt it the next day along with the pain of manifesting for hours. I feel different, i feel much more freedom and joy. So much I had a wrestling match with Sara Webster and Brandon Schraden at the gravesites of Aimee Semple McPherson and Kathyrn Kuhlman.
Well thats another story but I can say I am not returning back, once again, as the same person i came down as.