Monday, November 17, 2014

The Journey to Wholeness

The Journey to Wholeness

Many times I have come across the story of Naaman in 2nd Kings 5. Naaman was a powerful and honorable Commander in the army of the King of Syria. Although he was of high standards, he had a major issue in his life that held him back in many ways, he was inflicted with Leprosy. Through a servant girl, Naaman approached Elisha for healing. Elisha gave him the answers, the process for healing, but Naaman didn't like his answer. Naaman wanted to go with what was familiar, what was easier, and what he believed to be true. Well that didn't work out for him so he talked to his servants and decided to do what Elisha the prophet, told him to do in the first place. So Naaman went to the Jordan and dipped seven times, not once or twice, although I wouldn't doubt he expected each time he came up out of the water he would be healed. times he had to follow the instructions completely and not give up at three or four, or even six and a half. The seventh time, COMPLETE RESTORATION, HEALING, NEW SKIN. Can you imagine the excitement, joy and tears he shed, because he was made brand new?

I am reminded of this story when I want to quit my journey to wholeness. When I choose the familiar way of doing life, well because it was familiar. Although it may be painful it's what I have known. Good reason? No but true. In the midst of the process, clear and insightful thinking are not always present.
It's been a long journey, mostly because I have chosen to believe the lies of self hatred, shame and mistrust, in my life. I have done things my way, like Naaman, I wanted to go the easier route because the pain of it all was too much. ALL of the journey requires vulnerability and although I have been vulnerable, there hangs in the shadows, a fear if I am totally vulnerable, totally honest about my thoughts and feelings, I would be rejected or abandoned.

Like Naaman, God has put key people in my life that have spoken truth to me. I would dip a few rounds and want to give up. Just being honest. But God continued to love me unconditionally through others and situations. Not once has He given up on me, nor have those He has placed around me. So the "dipping" continues because I never know if that next emersion will be the time I come up healed and free!