Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Freedom 2013

I cannot not wait till I get to share with you about the is trip. I have definitely come alive. Three years ago I got whacked by the HS the moment I walked into the Civic Center at Randi Clark (RC). The next thing I knew I was on a plane to work in Haiti after the EQ.
Last week I really tried to feel something at RC but nothing was happening for me. Then I come to the LA trip and I get so snockered by the HS, I laughed and laughed for hours. Really hours. I couldnt use the bathroom with out help, I couldnt get to my car or even put my coat on without help. As I was riding back to Oasis I was just in a stupor and then we entered the bldg it all began again, the uncontrollable, embarassing laugher, me, really? Yep and quiet  some precarious positions too. It was probably the first time I was totally free and didnt care about anything but what God was doing. I was getting FREE!!! in so many way. I felt it the next day along with the pain of manifesting for hours. I feel different, i feel much more freedom and joy. So much I had a wrestling match with Sara Webster and Brandon Schraden at the gravesites of Aimee Semple McPherson and Kathyrn Kuhlman.
Well thats another story but I can say I am not returning back, once again, as the same person i came down as.