Sunday, April 29, 2012


Taking a moment to be thankful I was able to go on this trip to Los Angeles. Thankful for the ability to put everything else aside and focus on what God is doing. I could definitely live my life doing this everyday. I love to see lives affected by the love and the presence of God and little me, a woman who was just living life minute to minute with the dreams I carried in my heart of ministry, have come to fruititon these last few years. Although there has been sacrifice's to see this happen, I know I am where I'm supposed to be, doing what God has me doing.
I'm by no means even close to being this perfect person, matter of fact I am far from it, but in His eyes He sees my heart for those in need across the board.
I am so blessed to be around people who love on me, who have walked beside me in difficult times, and no matter how insecure I may be, He uses me in the most suprising moments.