Friday, September 23, 2011

Sears, Me and God

Waiting at Sears to get my oil changed. A lady is obviously upset and crying on the phone. It was hard to not hear what she was saying. She hung up and out of know where I asked her could I share something with her? Now you have to know that I just re-learned this week about trying to fix things that don't belong to me, so I couldnt believe I opened my mouth so quickly. 
She agreed and I talked with her briefly about taking on things that aren't her responsiblity and trying to fix someone who's not willing to work on it themselves. Do you see where I am going with this? Well she was really thankful but I wasn't expecting the next queston. Tell me, where did you go to find this out? My spiritual answer? TheTransformation Center. Yep thats what I told her. So I gave her the number and invited her to the "I am Woman" class at Bethel on Tuesday nights. She took the information and I gave her a hug while she cried. She knew God had jsut met a need.  God is so good and if you know me, you know this is a testimony b/c I didnt try to fix her I just gave her the info and some loving.  

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Don't Pass up the Opportunities

Have you ever put off or passed on the opportunity to speak of God into someone's life? Most of us have out of fear of what are they going to think, what if I am making the wrong assumption, etc..
Because I was in a hospital today that doesn’t allow you to "impose" your beliefs on your patients, God had another idea. I only had one patient and it was definitely God appointed. This patient was at the end stages of colon cancer and she just recently found out so she is going through a grieving process, her and her family. 

All day she was one on one, staying on top of pain medications and being at her side while she was sick. By the end of my shift she was pretty much sedated but my heart was unsettled because from all appearances she was not saved. How could I leave her without giving her a chance to accept Christ? I had prayed over her all day for healing, for peace and for salvation. I talked earlier with her grandmother about healing and told her I had seen healing and I believed it could happen for her granddaughter. She agreed, for she had witnessed a miracle in her own life before.

I made one last stop before leaving for the night. She was not alert but I had to say something, so I told her she didn’t have to fear death because there was life after life. I shared with her briefly about having a relationship with Christ and all she had to do was to ask Him to come into her life. As I waited by her side for another minute, she suddenly squeezed my hand. I knew she had heard me. 

Thank you Lord for allowing me to be your vessel, to show Your love, mercy and grace.