Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Mexico Minsitry trip 2011

Albuquerque New Mexico Feb/March 2011

This ministry trip was definitely full of laughter and joy. Matter of fact I don’t think I have ever laughed this hard or this long at one time. This trip was about Culture of Honor with Danny and Sheri Silk (

We taught middle school aged kids how to prophesy. After practicing on one another they went into the congregation and prophesied over individuals they felt God was highlighting to them. The adults loved it and in the process family wounds were also mended.

Many were prophesied over and prayed for. Physical and emotional pain was healed. God loves each one of us unconditionally. May you experience the fullness of God’s grace and His love for you.

Our host homes treated us with authentic “New Mexico” style food and we spent our free time connecting and prophesying over one another.  We laughed so hard, on more than one occasion, while ministering to one another.  Each time someone would get close to us, or out “circle” of ministry they too would be affected and begin to laugh uncontrollably.

We learned what honor looks like at any age and in any relationship. Something I learned in this conference is, sometimes we lose sight of what honor looks like because of familiarity, especially with family. Having boundaries with someone doesn’t mean you don’t honor them or respect them.  

To end this I faced one of my fears, heights. I never had an issue with heights until I did a rescue years ago from a high-rise construction sight. We had to bring the guy down in a Fireman’s basket. The Fireman told me right off, “don’t look down” and it was the first thing I did automatically. I became light-headed and since then have had a fear of really high heights.  So I got on the longest tram in the world, Sandia Peak.  Looking over the edge of the mountain was beautiful.