Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ministry Trip from Columbus, Ohio February 2011

Columbus OH Ministry Trip February 2011

Last week I went on a ministry trip to Columbus, OH for the “Hem of His Garment” Conference with Chris Gore and Joaquin Evans. This time will always be remembered for its miracles and the people I met along the way.

First I wanted to share with you, on the way to the airport from Redding I was talking with Audrey Delong (BSSM student) and we talked about the healing rooms at Bethel and other areas. I then mentioned to her I had been there for prayer many times but up to this point had not experienced healing. Several years ago I was told I had Fibromyalgia, something that resulted from a surgery I had a couple of years prior. She then to ask if she could pray for me and I said sure and she then proceeded to lay her hand on my left shoulder and as she did, suddenly a white owl flew right toward the passenger window. I only saw it from the side but Audrey saw if fly directly toward us and then saw a hawk behind it. She didn’t even really pray but she did tell me “it’s coming! It’s coming!

As the day continued on I didn’t notice a difference nor did I pay much attention to it either. The next morning I woke up and I felt good. I had no pain whatsoever. I realized it right off because I never wake up pain free. I was so excited I jumped up and walked around testing things out. No pain!! I was happy as a pig in slop.  Since then I have had my moments of being tested but I also hear God’s voice speaking.  Now 10 days later I still stand in that healing and I pass on this testimony to all those who need healing in their bodies. It’s yours!

Throughout the conference we prayed for many, gave words of knowledge for healing, and released freedom to all.  Listed below are ways God showed up and displayed His power and His love.

Scoliosis healed
Migraines healed
Legs grew out
Allergies healed
Back pain gone, disk pain gone
Neck pain gone
People able to move and bend after metal rods placed in their bodies.
Cysts disappeared
Healing of tooth pain
Sense of smell returned to many
Hearing restored
Chronic pain gone
Hope restored

The first day of the conference I met someone who immediately touched my heart, Ellen.  Ellen was lying in the back, unable to move much. I was told she had stage 4 cancer and this was her 3rd bout with cancer. She was unable to walk or feel anything from her waist down. Many prayed for healing, interceded on her behalf and loved on her. At one point she was moving one of her big toes, at times she would feel tingling like “electricity” in her arms which were encouraging signs. Ellen stated she returned home not understanding why she didn’t see more, experience full healing. I don’t know either but I do know the importance of not getting offensive with God. Saturday I took my laptop and Ellen via Skype to the healing rooms and she received the Holy Spirit, she felt peace and some joy. Lord I pray for more for Ellen. I love how the Holy Spirit connects you with others, to stand with you when times are hard and intercede on your behalf. I continue to pray for full healing of her body. God is in control.

Don’t ever give up for your miracle; it may come when you least expect it.

Blessings! Tricia